SHARON (-17.5 lbs)
-17.5 lbs in 16 Weeks
Marcus, thank you so SOOOOO much for changing my life. I truly mean it.
Ever since high school I've gained some weight that I was struggling to lose. I'd hit the gym and completely wipe myself out with insane classes like boxing, HIIT, hot yoga, fitness classes etc.
Aside from extreme fitness, I was thinking that I was eating the right things (juice cleanses, wild rose cleanse, TONS of fucking salad, eating only veggies, keto diet etc.) but your nutrition plan that I am on is so simple, so delicious and I am eating more than I ever had without feeling guilty!
Working with you has been transformational. Not only has my body truly changed, but so has my mindset around food, fitness, personal relationships and more!
One of the things that I wasn't expecting from this program at all was that I have developed the ability to look inward on what's going on with my mental health. I've been working through some really challenging things and this new ability I have to work on myself and feel emotion has been life altering, hard but very very necessary. I've never truly reflected on my mental health like I have in the past 4 months. So, thank you for that!
Your podcasts were amazing too. I have listened to all of them so please make more haha!
I feel more sure of myself than ever, more confident, more aware, less judgemental to myself and others, proud, more present in the moment etc.
I'm sad our time is over, but I know I will be able to continue this lifestyle and become the Sharon that I've always wanted to be, I can't thank you enough!!!