The N1 Fitness Fat Loss Formula
Each Program Includes:
Personalized N1 Nutrition Program tailored specifically to you and your needs
Exact protein, carb, fat and fruit quantities (NO GUESSWORK)
Dozens of protein, carb, fat and fruit options to pick from at every meal & snack
Unlimited email support
Accountability to keep you on track
Weekly photo assessment
Weekly nutrition & lifestyle adjustments to avoid fat loss plateaus
Daily movement advice for accelerated fat loss
Nightly routine recommendations to maximize sleep duration & quality
Personalized stress management strategies to stress less & achieve more
Sustainable habit integration that sticks
N1 recipes & resources
Exclusive access to the private N1 Facebook Community
A Post Program Blueprint outlining exactly how to maintain your results for a lifetime
Additional Benefits:
Elimination of bloating & digestion Issues
Healthier relationship with food
Increased energy & libido
Better sleep
Improved skin
Reduced inflammation & joint pain
Identification of food intolerances, sensitivities & allergies
Blood sugar regulation
Mood stability
Improved PMS symptoms (*women)
Common Q’s:
Can I eat more than just salads?
Absolutely! We take an ‘inclusive’ food approach vs. an exclusive one.
Can I eat carbs like pasta, rice, bread and potatoes?
Sure can!
Do I have to give up my favourite foods?
Nope! We include a weekly ‘treat’ meal so you can satisfy any craving!
Am I going to feel hungry?
Negative! You will not feel hungry with my properly structured fat loss programs. Quite the opposite actually, you’re going to feel nourished and satisfied!
Can I eat out?
Of course! I encourage my clients to cook most of their meals, however I’m all about sustainability and eating out is a super fun and enjoyable part of life!
Can I drink alcohol?
Yes. The ‘sweet spot’ for my clients is typically 2-4 drinks per week, however some of my clients choose to drink more than that and still achieve great results!
Do I need to exercise like crazy?
No! You can go to the gym if you’d like, however you can still achieve amazing fat loss results without working out at all!
Will I need to take a whole bunch of supplements?
Nah! We’re going to set up your program so that your body gets everything that it needs from food itself!
Is coffee allowed?
Is that some sort of sick joke…? YES!
Do I have to share my before/after photos?
Absolutely not, I only ever share transformation photos with my clients’ permission.
Who I work with:
-People who are serious about getting results
-People who want the most effective fat loss protocols
-People who are committed and willing to put in the work
Who I do not work with:
-People who are not open to recommendations and changes to their lifestyle
-People who are looking for the latest fad or quick-fix
-People who are not serious about getting results
*I do not work with Vegans due to the high likelihood for health complications.*
Each Program Includes:
Personalized N1 Workout Program tailored specifically to you and your needs
Exact sets, reps & rest times (NO GUESSWORK)
Lean muscle building programming
The most effective fat loss protocols
Functional approach to workout design
Constructed around your equipment access, schedule & time constraints
Weekly progressions based on your workout history & experience
Exclusive access to the private N1 Facebook Community