CASSIE (-20 lbs)
-20 lbs (15 Weeks)
Online Nutritional Coaching
The photos are amazing. Its so unbelievable to see the before and after side by side. Im looking forward to continuing all you have taught me and supported me with. I cant begin to thank you enough for all your support throughout this process.
The program you designed for me was easy to follow, but even better to know it will and can ALWAYS be my lifestyle program. I came into this knowing I wanted to lose weight…but I didn't have a preferred number in mind, however I knew I wanted to feel better about how I felt and looked appearance wise.
What I personally got out of your program was so much more than even that. My mentality and overall feelings regarding food choices, portions, and lifestyle decisions has completely changed. I hold such a positive outlook on my future when I think about how much more in control I am with what I choose to put into my body and how I treat it.
I feel so much better allowing myself to indulge and enjoy life, but not forgetting about the importance of my program and how it has opened up a whole new way of thinking for me. So thank you Marcus!
As a stay at home Mom, I dont tend to put myself first the majority of the time. I really needed this push to prove to myself that I could do it, and now I have a new lifestyle and way of thinking. I appreciate you, your dedication, kindness, and support! Thank you!!!!