Oh hi!

My name is Marcus, I’m the founder of N1 Fitness and a self-identified former chubster. My fat loss journey began after gaining 65 lbs, leaving me feeling extremely uncomfortable in my own skin and unhappy when I looked in the mirror.

I’ve always loved sports and grew up being very active, but when I hit my 20s my lifestyle changed and I wasn’t as active as I had been. The kicker was that I continued to eat the same way that I always had and so…imagine my surprise when my weight kept going up and my energy for all of the things that I loved doing went down!

My 65 lb Journey...


After studying Human Kinetics in University, I created N1 Fitness. It became my mission to lose fat, improve my energy and perform my absolute best every single day. In short, I officially became the first N1 success story.

Fast forward to today (11+ years later) and I have now successfully coached 500+ folks in achieving their fat loss and health goals. Feel free to check out their results HERE!

Marcus Sidhu, CSEP-CPT, Pn1

N1 Fitness Founder & Fat Loss Expert

I make it simple and straightforward for busy professionals to lose fat and get healthy via personalized nutritional coaching and workout programming.

I remove all of the guesswork and build programs that work, no matter your body type, activity level, schedule or preferences.

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